Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday 9/25/15

Former ZOO member, Cat Saldana, has been working on a new stop-motion animated series, Super Mansion.

You can watch the preview here:

Or the first episode here:

I recently visited Shambala wild cat preserve in Santa Clarita. Set up by Tippi Hendri, and inspired by her movie Roar. The movie is also being re-released, coming to Blu-ray soon.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday 9/18/15- Earthquake special

This week Chile experienced an 8.3 earthquake.

Big Bear had a 4.0.

And we had a tsunami alert for the beaches in Los Angeles. We regularly get earthquakes in California and you can see the latest here:

In preparation for our annual Shakeout drill, we have the following earthquake special.

Many people don't understand the Richter scale, as the intensity from one magnitude to the next is not logarithmic, but exponential. Compare equivalent energy release from the Northridge (5.6) vs San Francisco (7.8).

USGS put together the Shakeout Scenario to demonstrate a feasible earthquake and the effects it might have. This video puts that study into an alarming reality.

The best advice is always to DROP, COVER & HOLD. L.A. County Fire Department explain why.

Be prepared, and get an earthquake app. It's free and useful.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Friday 9/11/15

You work out the rest of your body. Now it's time to work out your face with Facercise!

Paul recently competed at the National Jitterbug Championships and so we have a few of the dance routines. In third place, Paul's old team LA Shag:

In second place, the Swinging Air Force Squad:

And in first place, Paul's new team, Special Delivery Stomp!