Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday 11/21/14

A new movie about some of the pivotal work of Alan Turing opens next week: The Imitation Game.

Turing famously proposed the Turing Test, to see if artificial intelligence can be mistaken for a human being. The best example of the Turing Test can be seen in Blade Runner.

Meanwhile, Silicon Valley starts replacing security guards with robots. Not quite as advanced as those portrayed in movies such as I-Robot, but still an eerie step in that direction.

For more on Alan Turing and his extraordinary life, see his Wiki page.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday 11/14/14

Turning Pi into music.

This week we touched down on a comet, but it's been a long time in the making.

And drones to save lives, not take them.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday 11/7/14

Ok Go have a new video out and it's as impressive as ever: I Won't Let You Down.

And after watching it, you probably want to see some behind the scenes to answer all those questions like how?