Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday 10/31/14- Halloween

The trailer to Duncan's hit show: American Horror Story

Great interpretation of The Shining

We even have Tinker Bell in drag in the office today

Todd's new movie- Sharknado

Rival DJ Davicci

Have you considered buying a Lincoln?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday 10/10/14

Next week is Shake Out, the annual Californian earthquake drill with over 10 million participants. In light of this, we have an earthquake special.

First things first: what to do in an earthquake:

DON'T: stop, drop and roll, unless you're on fire!

The "triangle of life" is a myth. While triangles are strong, its dangerous advice.
"DO NOT get in the "triangle of life": In recent years, an e-mail has been circulating which describes an alternative to the long-established "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" advice. The so-called "triangle of life" and some of the other actions recommended in the e-mail are potentially life threatening, and the credibility of the source of these recommendations has been broadly questioned"

We also talked about earthquake kits. Ideally you should have one for the home and car. You can build this yourself piece-by-piece or buy ready made ones. It's easy to get carried away with what you need to put in your kit, as we can't plan for every eventuality. Start with the scenario of being without running water, electricity or access to stores and think what you'd need to keep you going for 3 days.

The Red Cross has good recommendations on their website.

Friday 10/24/14

Here's the schedule for all the upcoming comic book movies.

First up is Avengers: Age of Ultron.

One of the more entertaining, yet little know super heroes is Deadpool.

Andy shared this fun animated short.

And hoverboards are finally reality!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday 10/17/14

We got a new projector, so time for some eye candy to see what it can do.

Anyone with a cell phone can make a time lapse video these days, so the professionals are having to up their game. Julian Tryba shows us how.

Cerebral animation illustrated with ink, coffee and whiteout.

And Virgin America recreate a full length 6 hour feature of what it's like to fly coast-to-coast with any other airline.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday 10/3/14

This weekend is the Samo Indie film festival in Santa Monica, organised by Danny and sponsored by ZOO.

Here are some of the trailers.

Cotton Road- documentary.

Ground Hero.

Collectors- animated short.

Echos- the opening night feature.

Mouse X.