Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday 4/18/13

Easter/Passover time and we have ourselves an egg decorating contest on today. Here's some inspiration.

Chris brought us soccer in bubbles, although I think American football would benefit most from this approach.

Pronounce all acronyms as words in Fonejacker.

The mobile phone orchestra celebrating 30 years of cell phones.

And the worlds fastest everything.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday 4/11/14- episode 101

This week Marco shared some of his photography from South LA depicting some of the more difficult parts of town.

And we saw the unbelievable bus shelter in London.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday 4/4/14 Episode #100

Today marked the 100th episode since Mike Gadow handed over the reigns to show n tell.

Duncan showed us Let It Go from Frozen sung in 25 languages.

We looked back at a couple of other Disney themed clips from recent years including Disney's copy paste of animation in a time when it was all hand-drawn.

We saw Disney Snow White remixed: Wishery by Pogo.

And we concluded with a polite bear.