Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday 1/31/14

Godzilla makes a return to the big screen.

Celebrities make their dream Disney portraits:

Arnold gets a new job after the Governator:

Red Bull takes to the streets at rush hour for some BMX tricks

Goat vs eagle. Who will win?

Raven vs food.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday 1/10/14

Some wise-guy decided to use the gamer tag of "XboxSignOut" so when playing online with others, anyone who called out the name would be signed out thanks to the Xbox Kinnect's voice recognition. Check out the video for some funny reactions:

Peter's dog, Harley, has recently been undergoing hydro therapy to help regain his ability to walk. For such a lengthy process, with little change from day-to-day, Peter put together a video to document his progress and how far he is coming along. You can see the video on his fund raising page and help support Harley in his recovery to get him back on his paws.

And since it's CES this week, here's a few of the winners and losers:

  • Curved TVs
  • Sleep tracking systems

  • A chopping board for your iPad
  • An iPad periscope
  • A shiny, overpriced external hard drive
  • A reverse keyboard that resembles and accordion

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday 1/3/14

First show and tell of the year and I can't find the gong, so there was a different one today:

From Yoli in memory of James Avery who passed on NYE:

City Hall goes all out for NYE with a digital projection on the building:

Only judging from the crowd reaction at midnight, there was no one there:

Meanwhile on the East Coast, people have been using projectors in the snow to create some amazing visual displays:

And finally, what happens when you condense movements in video, or sort out all the motions into groups? You get some interesting videos of city-scapes.