Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday 12/19/14

Sony's Christmas release this year looked to be pretty funny.

Until North Korea declared it an act of war and forced Sony's hand to cancel the entire film with a loss of $70m.

We looked at Noel Bleu in France.

And Noel Bleu's 2010 Christmas tree.

Today is also the 9th birthday of one of our oldest pieces of software- TAS.

And finally we saw Dumb and Dumber Inception-style.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday 12/12/14

This week rain. It rained in Sheffield once.

Not to be outdone, California makes its own floods like the Salton Sea- an accidentally man made sea.

Disney's next animated movie takes a look inside the mind.

And finally we had Submarine by PES.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday 12/5/14

Jurassic World opens 2015.

Star Wars VII.


Simon's Cat Catnip

Australian magpie plays with dog.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday 11/21/14

A new movie about some of the pivotal work of Alan Turing opens next week: The Imitation Game.

Turing famously proposed the Turing Test, to see if artificial intelligence can be mistaken for a human being. The best example of the Turing Test can be seen in Blade Runner.

Meanwhile, Silicon Valley starts replacing security guards with robots. Not quite as advanced as those portrayed in movies such as I-Robot, but still an eerie step in that direction.

For more on Alan Turing and his extraordinary life, see his Wiki page.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday 11/14/14

Turning Pi into music.

This week we touched down on a comet, but it's been a long time in the making.

And drones to save lives, not take them.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday 11/7/14

Ok Go have a new video out and it's as impressive as ever: I Won't Let You Down.

And after watching it, you probably want to see some behind the scenes to answer all those questions like how?

Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday 10/31/14- Halloween

The trailer to Duncan's hit show: American Horror Story

Great interpretation of The Shining

We even have Tinker Bell in drag in the office today

Todd's new movie- Sharknado

Rival DJ Davicci

Have you considered buying a Lincoln?

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday 10/10/14

Next week is Shake Out, the annual Californian earthquake drill with over 10 million participants. In light of this, we have an earthquake special.

First things first: what to do in an earthquake:

DON'T: stop, drop and roll, unless you're on fire!

The "triangle of life" is a myth. While triangles are strong, its dangerous advice.
"DO NOT get in the "triangle of life": In recent years, an e-mail has been circulating which describes an alternative to the long-established "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" advice. The so-called "triangle of life" and some of the other actions recommended in the e-mail are potentially life threatening, and the credibility of the source of these recommendations has been broadly questioned"

We also talked about earthquake kits. Ideally you should have one for the home and car. You can build this yourself piece-by-piece or buy ready made ones. It's easy to get carried away with what you need to put in your kit, as we can't plan for every eventuality. Start with the scenario of being without running water, electricity or access to stores and think what you'd need to keep you going for 3 days.

The Red Cross has good recommendations on their website.

Friday 10/24/14

Here's the schedule for all the upcoming comic book movies.

First up is Avengers: Age of Ultron.

One of the more entertaining, yet little know super heroes is Deadpool.

Andy shared this fun animated short.

And hoverboards are finally reality!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday 10/17/14

We got a new projector, so time for some eye candy to see what it can do.

Anyone with a cell phone can make a time lapse video these days, so the professionals are having to up their game. Julian Tryba shows us how.

Cerebral animation illustrated with ink, coffee and whiteout.

And Virgin America recreate a full length 6 hour feature of what it's like to fly coast-to-coast with any other airline.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday 10/3/14

This weekend is the Samo Indie film festival in Santa Monica, organised by Danny and sponsored by ZOO.

Here are some of the trailers.

Cotton Road- documentary.

Ground Hero.

Collectors- animated short.

Echos- the opening night feature.

Mouse X.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday 9/26/14

Once upon a time, we used to have a real gong to assemble people for show n tell. For the past few years, we've been using the video of the gong used as the studio ident for Rank Films.

Fifty years on, Rank Films decided to remake the ident, and here's how.

We also tried out Ron Burgundy's "news team assemble" call which worked pretty well.

We saw KLM's adorable employee, Sherlock, who works in their lost and found department.

Unfortunately, Yoli pointed out this was actually just a PR stunt.

And we watched skateboarding in 5001 balloons.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday 9/19/14

After the Scottish referendum, we get to keep the Union Jack. Here's how it's made.

Intel design a smart elevator: the Intelevator.

The best Halloween costume ever.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday 8/29/14

Frozen's Let It Go gets the Google translate treatment.

Ghostbusters remade in Lego.

Crazy motorbike crashes.

CDZA with the human jukebox.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday 8/15/14

45 years since this.

Joni Mitchell was due to play Woodstock, but couldn't reach the festival due to the longest traffic jam known to date. Instead, she sent her song to Woodstock to be played on her behalf.

And it's now available on DVD.

Hollywood shared Birdemic. The only movie to give Sharknado a run for it's money.

And we said farewell to one of the greatest comic geniuses of all times this week, Robin Williams.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Friday 8/1/14

Mad Max returns to the big screen in this epic new movie.

The sequel to Sharknado lands in New York.

Confused about Birdman? Then watch this.

And see what happens when you're not paying attention.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday 7/17/14

It's national ice cream day on Sunday! And to celebrate, Uber are offering Uber ice cream trucks and art shows to go with them for TODAY ONLY from 11am-5pm!

Urban surfing comes to the streets of San Francisco.

Disney's Big Hero 6 is coming soon.

And we saw the magic behind the special effects in Game of Thrones.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday 7/11/14

Fireworks are great, but they look even better from a drones perspective when flown threw them.

And for another unique perspective, we have 360 degree panoramic time lapse shots.

Vehicles on their way to Star Wars filming were spotted at the airport.

And finally we had the worlds tallest water slide.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday 6/27/14

On a day without a World Cup game, we made it a football themed day.

American's react to team USA scoring.

Football Samurai takes his game to Brazil.

Player is fouled by the ref.

Ochoa turns internet meme superstar.

And Will Ferril and Chad Smith have a drum battle.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday 5/30/14

What happens when you put song lyrics through Google Translate? Only the Fresh Prince can tell you.

Remember these?

What would Grand Theft Auto V look like on the Commodore 64?

Do you like Tron or solar power? Then you'll love Solar Freakin' Roadways!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday 5/23/14

A friend of mine worked on a hidden camera promo for a new hacking game.

We saw the reality of ABC's Scandal put into perspective.

And Chris showed us a wingsuit man flying through a mountain in China.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday 5/16/14

Former co-working, Amanda DeSimone, is at the LA Comedy Shorts this weekend.

And here's some of her videos:

Our neighbours SpaceX demonstrate their new vertical take off and landing rocket.

And the Amgen Tour of California comes to Pasadena this weekend with the opportunity to ride across the finish line ahead of the peleton.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday 4/18/13

Easter/Passover time and we have ourselves an egg decorating contest on today. Here's some inspiration.

Chris brought us soccer in bubbles, although I think American football would benefit most from this approach.

Pronounce all acronyms as words in Fonejacker.

The mobile phone orchestra celebrating 30 years of cell phones.

And the worlds fastest everything.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday 4/11/14- episode 101

This week Marco shared some of his photography from South LA depicting some of the more difficult parts of town.

And we saw the unbelievable bus shelter in London.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday 4/4/14 Episode #100

Today marked the 100th episode since Mike Gadow handed over the reigns to show n tell.

Duncan showed us Let It Go from Frozen sung in 25 languages.

We looked back at a couple of other Disney themed clips from recent years including Disney's copy paste of animation in a time when it was all hand-drawn.

We saw Disney Snow White remixed: Wishery by Pogo.

And we concluded with a polite bear.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday 3/28/14- edition #99

For the 99th show n tell, we had a look back at the archives from Mike Gadow and the old blog:

Apple tell us just how incredible they are at the keynote speech.

Hydrogen and Boost have a freestyle battle (translated).

We saw the worst horse race commentator.

BMW showed us the fabric based concept car GINA.

And we saw Space Argument.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday 3/14/14

Intricate stop motion music video by Julio Bashmore:

The golden age of insect aviation:

Arny is offering someone the chance to ride in his tank with him and crush stuff, and it's all for a good cause:

And the worst music video ever, and yes, this is for real:

Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday 3/7/14

WGN news channel makes a parody music video of Disney's Frozen about the winter weather.

Continuing the theme of projection based music videos, we see a stunning performance by Enra.

And Jimmy Hendrix comes alive on the wall in the unusual painting style.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday 2/28/14

Sharknado 2, only this time its for real.

They've landed in the Venice Canals:

The first man to run the loop the loop.

The IT Crowd take the FBI piracy warnings to the next level.

And Drumpants

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday 2/21/14

Pomplamoose have a cool new music video shot in one seen using a projector to create some great visuals.

What's scarier than Justin Beiber? Zombeavers!

What's next with wearables? Intel shares some ideas.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday 1/31/14

Godzilla makes a return to the big screen.

Celebrities make their dream Disney portraits:

Arnold gets a new job after the Governator:

Red Bull takes to the streets at rush hour for some BMX tricks

Goat vs eagle. Who will win?

Raven vs food.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday 1/10/14

Some wise-guy decided to use the gamer tag of "XboxSignOut" so when playing online with others, anyone who called out the name would be signed out thanks to the Xbox Kinnect's voice recognition. Check out the video for some funny reactions:

Peter's dog, Harley, has recently been undergoing hydro therapy to help regain his ability to walk. For such a lengthy process, with little change from day-to-day, Peter put together a video to document his progress and how far he is coming along. You can see the video on his fund raising page and help support Harley in his recovery to get him back on his paws.

And since it's CES this week, here's a few of the winners and losers:

  • Curved TVs
  • Sleep tracking systems

  • A chopping board for your iPad
  • An iPad periscope
  • A shiny, overpriced external hard drive
  • A reverse keyboard that resembles and accordion

Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday 1/3/14

First show and tell of the year and I can't find the gong, so there was a different one today:

From Yoli in memory of James Avery who passed on NYE:

City Hall goes all out for NYE with a digital projection on the building:

Only judging from the crowd reaction at midnight, there was no one there:

Meanwhile on the East Coast, people have been using projectors in the snow to create some amazing visual displays:

And finally, what happens when you condense movements in video, or sort out all the motions into groups? You get some interesting videos of city-scapes.