Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday 9/21/12

Today marks the final flight of space shuttle Endeavor. It will be flying into LA at 11:30am and landing at LAX at 12:30 after a tour of the sights. Hopefully we'll get to glimpse a view of it coming in to land at the picnic.

Here's the shuttle in flight:

Also, the iPhone to Polaroid adapter from last week:

And if we're lucky, we'll have a pinata like this at the picnic today:

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday 9/14/12

Ever heard of the Goophone i5?

It kinda look a lot like the iPhone 5:

Only the Goophone i5 is already on sale in China:

To find out more about the new iPhone 5, here's a video from the keynote speech:

Since the new iPhone is all about imagery, here's how you can print real physical Poloroid photos directly from your iPhone (be sure to check out the video at the bottom):

Oppa Gangnam style was also going to be on this week, but due to technical problems, you'll just have to come back next week instead.