Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday 7/20/12

This week I have a couple of videos that were shown at the TEDx event next door. Details can be found here:

The TEDx summit recently took place in Doha, Qatar. Here is the opening video:

Also from TED this week is an fascinating talk on augmented reality using Aurasma:

Full details on Aurasma can be found here:

And finally, the making of the opening video:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday 7/13/12

After several weeks of laptop repairs, show n tell is back!

Ex-Zoo member, Amanda, just made a new music video. She is officially eating for two:

At the last show n tell, we played a short video about the worlds largest camera, created by a friend of Ian Beaudoux. Ian has now been working with the creator on his next project: What's Your American Dream. Here's the trailer: