Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday 11/11/11

Today is Remembrance day, Armistice day and Veterans day. Don't forget:

For anyone who's not been an is interested, you should check out the Downtown Artwalk, second Thursday of the month:

Also a reminder that you should submit your entries for the calender competition. I show cased some of my reject photos.

And thanks to Tommy for his insights into why we should still enjoy our paper bound books as well as our electronic books.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday 11/4/11

Coming to a wrist or projectable surface near you:

What can you do with 288,000 jelly beans?

History time. There was this guy and his name was Guy:

These days he looks more like this:

But we celebrate him every year in England:

From space it might look something like this:

India from space during the festival of lights looks like this:

Thanks to Tommy for reminding us where the term pot luck comes from. It's none of the following: